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The Sqedule server executable

The Sqedule server comes with an executable named sqedule-server. This executable supports multiple subcommands, similar to how Git works. The most often used subcommand is run, which runs the HTTP server.

You normally don't need to interact with this executable directly, because you're either using this executable through the SystemD service file, or through a container. But sometimes, such as when manually migrating the database schema, you do need to interact with it.

Invoking the Sqedule server executable

The way to invoke the Sqedule server executable depends on the installation method.

sqedule-server --help

If sqedule-server is not in PATH, then invoke its full path: /path-to/sqedule-server

  • When using containerization, invoke it through a container. The image's entrypoint is the Sqedule server executable. Example:
docker run -ti --rm --help
kubectl exec -ti deploy/sqedule -- sh

The sqedule-server executable is in PATH so you can invoke from this shell:

sqedule-server --help

!!! note The container environment is Alpine.


To see what subcommands sqedule-server supports, run it with --help. You should see something like this:

$ sqedule-server --help
Sqedule server

  sqedule-server [command]

Available Commands:
  db          Manage the database
  help        Help about any command
  run         Run the Sqedule API server
  version     Show server version

      --config string      config file (default $HOME/.sqedule-server.yaml)
  -h, --help               help for sqedule-server
      --log-level string   log level, one of: error,warn,info,silent (default "info")

Use "sqedule-server [command] --help" for more information about a command.